

About Me

   I have Celiac Disease, which can make cooking, and especially baking, a bit of a challenge. I have been eating gluten free since I was 12, so I am pretty much used to reading labels and asking embarrassing questions in restaurants. Many of my recipes come from my mom's hard work and my taste testing, but as I've grown older and become the main food-preparer for myself and my husband, I have started to take cooking and baking into my own hands. I know that gluten free baking can be discouraging and often down right infuriating (not to mention expensive). Over time, and with many disappointing brick-like cookies, pudding-like cakes, and saw dust textured bread, I have learned a lot about what not to do. BUT, I've also learned that there's nothing like success in the gluten free kitchen! Biting into a moist, springy banana chocolate chip muffin or chewy, fudgey brownie can melt away all the frustration of those last 5 failed attempts. My hope is that I can save you time, energy and money in the science lab that is the gluten free kitchen. I want to show you the brighter side of gluten free!

Why It All Started

I never planned to write a blog, but when I ran into some health issues and was no longer able to do many of the things I loved, my husband suggested I take it up. In November of 2010 I had a major pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs) and was forced to stop working for over a year. I reluctantly traded in my soccer cleats and hockey stick for a crochet hook and way too much day time television, but I did find I had more time for one thing I loved: gluten free baking. With encouragement from my husband, I started archiving some of my favourite recipes online and then began experimenting with and creating new recipes to add to my collection. Over time I have found blogging to be a creative, therapeutic outlet that made me feel like I could still contribute to something bigger than myself.
Slowly but surely I managed to recover my health back to nearly 100%. We now have 2 kids and life is a lot more chaotic but still try to make time for kitchen experiments, product testing and of course, gluten free blogging!

Get in Touch with me

Twitter: @AndraGlutenFree
Email: Andraglutenfree at gmail dot com
or leave me a comment!